Monday, December 15, 2008

Twitter now on board

Thanks Rachel. Twitter is now rolling on this page. Even the Republican National Committee is learning to Twitter, I can't be left behind.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Goodreads Montage

The montage of books I've posted on Goodreads looks great . I'll have to read faster!
I'll play around with how they are arranged. Right now I've selected pub date, but date read is a good way to show people what is high on my list.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Podcasting Techniques

The SLRC podcasting demo at Pratt was encouraging. With the web resources readily available online, I just need a reason to podcast. Or produce an audio file. I didn't realize podcasting was simply sending an audio file out onto the web for surfers' listening enjoyment. I can see using either one for library programs. Story time, book talk and library happenings pr come to mind immediately and, given some time, I'm sure I could think or others.The hardest part will be finding the time to do the recording and editing necessary to clean up the message for posting.
Patrons will link to hear what we are doing-- just like old-time readio broadcasts.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Getting my message out there

The You Tube and podcasting sites are a great way to increase interest/marketing of library services. The Ninja Librarian is funny and I'm sure generates conversation with library folks.

Authors I know are creating trailers of their titles and posting on You Tube to build buzz around the new release. This would work for programs in the library as well. How about a "virtual story time" that patorns could watch at any time?

GoodReads is my choice for reading list

I love GoodReads. The posting is easy. I am friends with writers and librarians so the recommendations of what to read next always threatens to get out of hand. Catherine started adding the story time tag to her reads. What a fantastic idea! I have been photocopying covers to help me remember titles I might use some day. This will do the same thing without wasting paper. Good for me and good for the environment.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Flickr was fun/ rss isn't

Why couldn't it be as easy to upload the feeds on my blog as it was to get them on myyahoo page? I am not sure if the connection was slow or I didn't' copy the right address, but I added and deleted 7 or 8 times until the feed opened correctly. I never had that problem on yahoo.

The feeds are fantastic way to keep interests front and center. I have feeds for children's books and environmental sites selected on the other page. The 'Just One More Book' podcast was forwarded to me me by a writer friend. It is entertaining to drop in for a listen sometimes. I will definitely find the feeds to library related sites I use frequently and add them to the blog.

Now I have to learn how to add other staff members to me blog.

To be fair to rss, once the feeds are operational they work seamlesly so I won't whine amymore.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Flickr fun

I posted pix of my new garden awhile ago and just got back to add a few tags. That was so easy! No wonder everyone is talking about tagging everything. Word clouds look cool. This feature will be extremely useful as I build a photo gallery of the garden each season. No more smeary pencil sketches! I'll have crisp, beautifully tagged photos to help me remeber exactly what grew where.
My brother-in-law posts pictures of bike rides he takes so other bikers will become familiar with trails. I like that--an up-to-the-minute travel guide.

The photos in the LOC files were interesting. I followed the comment trial of the Einstein photo and learned alot about how viewers can help identify people/objects in photos. The fact checking and historical perspective increased the time I spent looking at the files.
Without a doubt there is too much to try and do now that I am digging around. I am glad it is ONLY a few things for Web2.0. I'm so slow the upgrades will catch me, wait a minute, that means I'll be learning from the up grades and will have skipped a version. Hmmm. Honestly, this is fascinating and much easier than I expected. So much of life is exactly the same.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Easier to use than my universal remote

I selected Blogger after looking at the other choices mentioned on Web 2.0. Happily, I've been able to do whatever I've wanted quickly. Now I am going to try adding a webcam of the osprey nest at Blackwater Sawmp. After that the rss feed from Green Planet and some pics from the Hydrogen Car tour going on right now.

I'm still not sure anyone would want to follow my meadering trail through cyberspace but I'm enjoying gathering interests into one place.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Look at what crawled by me at Quiet Waters

I believe I knocked him off his perch while working at the native plant garden at Quiet Waters. This is my first sighting of this caterpillar species.

This little guy is the Phoebis sennae or Cloudless Sulphur caterpillar. He eats wild senna which is a Mid-Atlantic native perennial. And there is a healthy wild senna growing in the sun garden. If I'd had my butterfly book with me to identify it while working, I'd have known to look around for more caterpillars or eggs.

The small bright yellow butterfly it becomes is a familiar visitor to my garden and along the roadside. Maybe you've noticed it too.

Friday, August 15, 2008

new direction

off we go into cyberspace. I expect a bumpy ride.